Early Christmas

Dear Lord,

Today I read about Noah Biorkman and how his family will be celebrating Christmas next week, far too early than usual.

Lord, this is because Noah's time is very short, he will soon be Your Angel. My heart is breaking because of the thought that such a 5-year old boy carry the burden that he does, since he was 3. But my heart is also uplifted, Lord, because such an innocent spirit will soon be staying in Heaven and not here where there is pain and sadness and sorrow.

I thank you for Noah, Lord. And his family. They are inspiring in their strength. I thank you for the people who sent gifts and cards far too early for Christmas, knowing that Noah has to celebrate his last Christmas so early. It touches me that people can still empathize, and show acts of kindness, and live with compassion and love in their hearts for one little boy they know nothing about.

I live too far away for my card to reach Noah in time, Lord. But I know my prayer is heard immediately. I pray that Noah's remaining time will be pain-free. Spare him, Lord, any more pain. Let your angels be with him now until the end of his days, to calm him, soothe him, ease his pains. And let him go home to You with a smile on his face and gladness in his heart that we can only dream of having, while we continue to toil in this earth.

Lord, I thank you for bringing this news to my attention, half a world away, and for transforming my heart once more. His pain has become my pain, and his hope has become my hope. And because of him, I too will start Christmas early this year. I, too, will be giving gifts early this year. Not of the material kind, but prayers. From here on, I will be sending prayers as Christmas gifts, like this prayer I gift to Noah.

Noah, dearest boy, thank you and may God bless you and keep you in his arms, now until forever.


Cards can be sent to:
Noah Biorkman
1141 Fountain View Circle
South Lyon, MI, 48178

My Jesus

O my Jesus,
Forgive us our sins,
Save us from the fires of hell,
And lead all souls to Heaven,
Especially those who have the most need of Thy mercy.


Glory Be

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning,
is now,
and ever shall be,
world without end.


Hail Mary

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of death.


Our Father

Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. 


Psalms 5 – A Prayer for Protection

Listen to my words, O Lord,
And hear my sighs,
Listen to my cry for help,
My God and my king!

A pray to you, O Lord;
You hear my voice in the morning;
At sunrise I offer my prayer
And wait for your answer.

You are not a God
Who is pleased with wrongdoing;
You allow no evil in your presence.
You cannot stand the sight of proud men;
You hate all wicked people.
You destroy all liars
And despise violent, deceitful men.

But because of your great love
I can come into your house;
I can worship in your holy Temple
And bow down to you in reverence.
Lord, I have so many enemies!
Lead me to do your will;
Make your way plain for me to follow.

What my enemies say can never be trusted;
They only want to destroy.
Their words are flattering and smooth,
But full of deadly deceit.

Condemn and punish them, O God;
May their own plots cause their ruin.
Drive them out of your presence
Because of their many sins
And their rebellion against you.

But all who find safety in you will rejoice;
They can always sing for joy.
Protect those who love you;
Because of you they are truly happy.
You bless those who obey you, Lord;
Your love protects them like a shield.

Psalms 5 – A Prayer for Protection
Good News Translation Bible

Keywords: Psalms, Bible, Prayer, God, spirituality, religion, Christianity, faith

Psalms 4 – Evening Prayer for Help

Answer me when I pray,
O God, my defender!
When I was in trouble,
You helped me.
Be kind to me now and hear my prayer.

How long will you people insult me?
How long will you love
What is worthless
And go after what is false?

Remember that the Lord
Has chosen the righteous for his own,
And he hears me
When I call to him.

Tremble with fear and stop sinning;
Think deeply about this,
When you lie in silence on your beds.
Offer the right sacrifices to the Lord,
And put your trust in him.

There are many who pray:
“Give us more blessings, O Lord.
Look on us with kindness!”
But the joy that you have given me
Is more than they will ever have
With all their grain and wine.

When I lie down, I go to sleep in peace;
You alone, O Lord, keep me perfectly safe.

Psalms 4 – Evening Prayer for Help
Good News Translation Bible

Keywords: Psalms, Bible, Prayer, God, spirituality, religion, Christianity, faith

Psalms 3 – Morning Prayer for Help

A psalm by David, after he ran away from his son Absalom.

I have so many enemies, Lord,
So many who turn against me!
They talk about me and say,
“God will not help him.”

But you, O Lord, are always my shield from danger;
You give me victory
And restore my courage.
I call to the Lord for help,
And from his sacred hill he answers me.

I lie down and sleep,
And all night long the Lord protects me.
I am not afraid of the thousands of enemies
Who surround me on every side.

Come, Lord! Save me, my God!
You punish all my enemies
And leave them powerless to harm me.

Victory comes from the Lord –
May he bless his people.

Psalms 3 – Morning Prayer for Help
Good News Translation Bible

Keywords: Psalms, Bible, Prayer, God, spirituality, religion, Christianity, faith

Psalms 2 – God’s Chosen King

Why do the nations plan rebellion?
Why do people make their useless plots?
Their kings revolt,
Their rulers plot together against the Lord
And against the king he chose.

“Let us free ourselves from their rule,” they say;
“Let us throw off their control.”

From his throne in heaven the Lord laughs
And mocks their feeble plans.
Then he warns them in anger
And terrifies them with his fury.

“On Zion, my sacred hill,” he says,
“I have installed my king.”

“I will announce,” says the king,
“what the Lord has declared.
He said to me: ‘You are my son;
Today I have become your father.
Ask, and I will give you all the nations;
The whole earth will be yours.
You will break them with an iron rod;
You will shatter them in pieces
Like a clay pot.’”

Now listen to this warning, you kings;
Learn this lesson, you rulers of the world:
Serve the Lord with fear;
Tremble and bow down to him;
Or else his anger will be quickly aroused,
And you will suddenly die.

Happy are all who go to him for protection.

Psalms 2 – God’s Chosen King
Good News Translation Bible

Keywords: Psalms, Bible, Prayer, God, spirituality, religion, Christianity, faith

Psalms 1 – True Happiness

Happy are those
Who reject the advice of evil men,
Who do not follow the example of sinners
Or join those who use for God.

Instead, they find joy in obeying
The Law of the Lord,
And they study it day and night.

They are like trees that grow
Beside a stream,
That bear fruit at the right time,
And whose leaves do not dry up.

They succeed in everything they do.

But evil men are not like this at all;
They are like straw that the wind blows away.
Sinners will be condemned by God
And kept apart from God’s own people.
The righteous are guided and protected by the Lord,

But the evil are on the way to their doom.

Psalms 1 – True Happiness
Good News Translation Bible

Keywords: Psalms, Bible, Prayer, God, spirituality, religion, Christianity, faith


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