You may or may not feel the aches on your joints or the pain in your bones.
You may bounce out of bed or shuffle slowly out of it.
The weight of your matter puts a dot of gray on your otherwise sunrise-full morning.
You may or may not be a social media denizen.
But there are relatives to touch base with, friends' lives to check on.
Then the virtual world intrudes on your solitude.
And a clump of ugly and angry smear your lanscape.
You may attend to the matters of living no matter your circumstances.
For you are still living, for you are still breathing, right?
Yet you hold it in and try to stop the question
Is this really the way the only way to live?
You may retain your peace, although it may seem rare these days.
And after lunch and by the afternoon that peace may well have been destroyed.
By news, goings-on and the world's inevitable turning.
But sorrowfully turning, turning it seems to darkness.
But here is a secret -- the day is not lost.
Here is another -- the world is not dark.
It is only your mind and your matter that are lost and dark.
For there is One who never fails to win the day and light up the world.
Do you know Him? He is the king of all creation, your God.
Does it make sense now? Your mind and your matter is safe in His hands.
Do you see it? The day may seem lost, but it is still His day that He created.
Do you realize now? The world may seem dark as it turns, but it is still turning by His will.
So tomorrow, wake up with a hopeful heart, thankful for a new day that dawns.
Your God reigns over everything.